Saturday, February 17, 2007

running with the jew

sherbornes equivilant of the great borat sketch. only with some fucked up guys swinging hankies around after an afternoon on the speckled hen... weirdos


Mark Orton said...

Oi Ron, your reputation has stretched wide and far, I met a bloke here in NZ the other day and he told me some travel tales about yourself...interesting.

Anyway, I see that the English Rugby Team are stealing a few moves from this clip for their World Cup entrance, can't wait.

rocket ron said...

like the firebird bro. that chap you met. he wasnt a member of the goober shooting cooters was he? and yes . england are going too use this as there grand entry[as holders] to this years world cup, but only in the confines of there dressing room. seems it works ok for your collection of wild animals...

bubbahotep said...

love it when the morris leader says "dont go away theres worse to come " and they thought he was joking !! Great night out with rocket and the bubblewrap boy sat night done a richard hammond went from 0-300 and crashed fast all i can remember is being on the floor in middle of a pub surrounded by doormen and lieing in a foetal position then being on the floor of a club toilet or as the bubblewrap explained to the concerned patrons "hes looking for his contact lens " will work on the night out with the ladies(ladyboys) and keep you posted 8-)